- (509) 2813-1361
- infos@fosref.org
- Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Malaria prevention programs in various departments of the country (Awareness / Information / Education of out-of-school and school-aged young people on the prevention of Malaria). FOSREF also has a national COVID19, & a cholera prevention programs. FOSREF also delivers Capacity Building/ and technical assistance programs to reinforce the capacities of multiple partners (Public sectors, CSO/NGOs, KP organizations, women & youth organizations, PLHIV associations, CBOs etc.…); FOSREF has specialized staffs and experts in many domains that deliver capacity building to many organizations, in many domains (technical programmatic/ administrative/ financial/ and other aspects related to Human rights/ fight against stigma and discrimination / fight against GBV, etc).
FOSREF is a Haitian non-governmental organization (NGO) that has been serving the Haitian population since 1988 . FOSREF is a key partner of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP)